Upon arrest, the Police have a number of options to ensure that an individual charged with an offence attends court as required to answer to the charges. A person can be released on a Promise to Appear or an Undertaking for example. However, if the Police have reason to believe that the person may fail to attend in court, interfere with the administration of justice or commit further criminal offences, the Police may detain the accused person and remand them in custody pending a Bail Hearing before a Justice of the Peace. The Bail Hearing is one of the most critical stages of the Criminal proceeding. It requires careful preparation and attention to detail by Defence Counsel in order to satisfactorily secure the release of the Client. If an individual is denied Bail they will be detained in custody until their case is completed or until their Counsel launches a successful appeal of the detention order. Since trials can take several months to be heard, it is important that the Client retain a Lawyer that is not only experienced but easily accessible and readily available to conduct a Bail Hearing on short notice. The Lawyers at Kafka Kort are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and conduct Bail Hearings on a daily basis.


Our Lawyers understand the need for meticulous preparation not only of the Client, but the proposed Surety as well. Prior to the Hearing, we will meet with the Client, prepare them for any potential testimony and then meet with the proposed Surety to determine both their suitability for the position and to assist them in understanding their responsibilities so the Court has confidence in the release plan that is put forth by the defence. Our Client’s liberty is our paramount concern. Put our experienced team of Criminal Lawyers to work for your freedom today.


 The content of this website is provided for your informational purposes only and should not be considered as providing legal advice. If you wish to receive legal advice from the Lawyers at Kafka Kort you must contact our Firm directly and arrange a retainer that is acceptable to our Law Firm (either a Private Retainer or Ontario Legal Aid depending on the case). Once you receive confirmation in writing from our Firm that we have accepted your retainer, then an appointment shall be arranged to discuss your Legal issues. No action shall be taken on your behalf by our Law Firm until we are fully retained to act on your behalf.