Need a pardon?


It goes without saying that having a criminal record severely limits your career choices. But, what you may not understand is that having a criminal record can also severely limit your ability to travel, obtain custody of your children, attend post secondary education and even prevent you from volunteering in your community. In 2012, the Federal government changed the procedure for obtaining a pardon, now called a “Record Suspension”. In doing so, the government has made the application process longer, complex and more tedious. Obtaining a record suspension is no longer simply a quick exercise in completing paperwork.


Don’t get frustrated by trying to complete your own application. Book a time to meet with one of our Lawyers from Kafka Kort who will assist you throughout the entire process and provide professional legal advice and skillful drafting of your application to be submitted to the Parole Board of Canada. We also provide assistance to our clients in obtaining U.S. Waivers to allow individuals with criminal records to lawfully enter the United States of America.


 The content of this website is provided for your informational purposes only and should not be considered as providing legal advice. If you wish to receive legal advice from the Lawyers at Kafka Kort you must contact our Firm directly and arrange a retainer that is acceptable to our Law Firm (either a Private Retainer or Ontario Legal Aid depending on the case). Once you receive confirmation in writing from our Firm that we have accepted your retainer, then an appointment shall be arranged to discuss your Legal issues. No action shall be taken on your behalf by our Law Firm until we are fully retained to act on your behalf.